Your Life & Success Coach

Life Coaching UK

Life Coaching-The Intervention You Need

Chart Your Life’sPath, and Get There

Your economic and social standing doesn't matter. We all feel the same impact when life throws an intense curveball our way. The good news? We can rise above it. You can beat procrastination, lost purpose, and work-related stress. You can take your life to a new level and rediscover your meaning.

How do you make it happen? How fast do you get back up after being knocked down? How do you rebuild the rubble? You can decide between settling and demanding more from life. Don’t let your destiny fall from between your fingers. Show stress, fear, and a lack of motivation the door – today.

Ever wondered why you struggle to escape your predicament? The answer: Our thoughts and habits. You have the power to live a life of fortune and self-fulfillment. With professional life coaching in the UK, you can and will push yourself into a life of prosperity. The joys of a new life lie ahead.

Fear of failure and limiting self-belief is preventing you from making progress and realising your heart’s desires. Living in a zone of fear causes crippling emotions such as stress, procrastination, a feeling of being stuck, loneliness, a lack of motivation, and a general sense of being overwhelmed. This has a snowball effect on our finances, our relationships, and our self-esteem.

Perhaps you’re in a great place in your life, but you want to take your business, career, or relationship to the next level. How can you get there? Are you determined to change your current circumstances and feel confidence, experience personal growth, and achieve excellence, happiness, gratitude, love, and fulfilment?

You need a key to release your full potential. Think of how joyful it would be to live a life of fulfilment, gratitude, with all its riches, and to realise your dreams. I know you have the power to do it. The ability to drive change is in your hands. Get up, make your stand, and make it happen.

wellbeing employees

Want happy, Committed Employees?

It Starts With Wellbeing At Work

Whether your business is small or large, it’s easy to see the benefits of keeping employees happy. Every good manager and business owner knows that a dedicated, innovative and successful workforce is in it for more than just the money. To be appreciated, grow and rewarded for their hard work alongside having a work-life balance is highly valued by most employees.

Managers and business owners – our specialised health and wellbeing coaching programs for employees are a great way to show you care while getting the best out of your team. It’s a win-win. Want to find out more?

How We Can Help

Could your staff be dealing with stress, anxiety and uncertainty? Studies show at around 50% do. And it affects motivation, productivity and happiness. We use specially developed tools to create a supportive framework for your staff within the workplace, and help to build a safe space for all members to talk, listen and grow.

Building Relationships

Our program offers employees health and wellbeing tips at work, helping to develop synergy through a core foundation of trust and respect. In the process of building a certified life coach business, we’ve learned that success is best shared, and it starts with people. Try us out to see the difference a strong working relationship can have in managing your team.

Give To Receive

Good business achieves a vision, fills a need and makes a difference in the world. Offering your team regular life coaching sessions is a great way to help them see the bigger picture while showing them how much their contribution means. It’s not all about work either, our tools are transferable to home life too. Through positive motivation, new perspectives and skills, we can help you and your staff feel fulfilled. All it takes is a little regular guidance, and they’ll thank you for it.

Are We Compatible?

We provide tried-and-tested tools to bring wellbeing to your workforce. Our services can be tailored to companies of any size, and we specialise in coaching employees aged 25-45. Get in touch today and find out how we can help your business flourish. Now, let’s grow.

UK Life Coach

Meet Malin Walker

A certified Professional Life Coach Who Sees Greatness In You.

Growth is not an option, it’s a guarantee. Every human being has the potential to flourish regardless of the weights life casts down on them. Malin is driven by her philosophy of life: That every struggling person has someone looking out for them – themselves. Your time to bloom is now.

20 years. That’s how long Malin has served clients from all walks of life. Businessmen and women searching for corporate success. WW2 veterans with PTSD. Harley Street celebs. Holocaust survivors seeking healing. Janitors in search of more from life. Regardless of their background, Malin approaches each client with the same level of compassion, respect, and commitment.

If you value experience in your life coach, then Malin is your person. She trained with the world-renowned Tony Robbins and is certified as a Master Coach of Intervention. She is also certified by the British Psychological Society and obtained an MSC in Mental Health from the University College in London. Malin also holds a BSC in Nursing Science and Psychology with Neuroscience. Malin also has broad corporate experience, holding courses from a business School in Sweden.

Life and Success Coaching

Where Life Coaching Can Get You

Why Should You Commit To A Strategic Intervention?

  • Gain cristal clear clarity

  • unify your emotions; mind, body and energy

  • Get you out of fear zone and procrastination

  • Get rid of limiting belief patterns and achieve your goals

  • Design the life that you desire

  • find and connect to your authentic self

  • Improve your physical body and or your mental well-being

  • improve relationships with your children, family and friends

  • Become a role model for your family and/or your business

  • Find love and or reignite passion with your spouse

  • Reconnect to life and the joyful being within you


“A thousands miles starts with the first step. Dare to start living your dreams.” MW