What Makes Malin Tick?


Learn More About Your Certified Professional Life Coach

Malin has always been fascinated by mental health. For over 20 years, she has helped men and women in her community discover mental healing that lasts a lifetime. According to Malin, every human being can thrive, regardless of their circumstances or background. Malin’s thirst for hunger led her to globally recognized universities – where she gained a wealth of knowledge.

Her qualifications include an MSC in Clinical Mental Health from University College London, a BSC in Psychology, a BSC in Nursing Science, and a business management course from Jonkoping International Business School. Malin is also certified member by the British Psychological Society.

Years of diagnosing and medicalizing had left Malin searching for something more. Instead of clinically treating people, Malin wanted to holistically heal her clients from within. She shifted her focus away from mental health and behavior, and instead homed in on life coaching. To Malin, there was (and is) no greater purpose than helping others find theirs.

And so, her journey began. Malin was educated at the Robbins-Madanes Training Institute, under the legendary tutelage of Tony Robbins, Cloé Madanes, and Mark and Magali Peysha. Malin learned how to help others defy their struggles and bring out their inner potential. After being certified as a Strategic Intervention Life Coach, she opened her practice – and now, 20 years later, she’s still going strong.

Regardless of your background and the forces that test you, Malin will find a way to help. She’s been fortunate enough to work with a diverse range of clients seeking life coaching in the UK and Sweden , from holocaust survivors to war veterans, celebrities, business people, janitors, people suffering from anxiety and depression, and many more.

Malin’s Philosophy And Vision

What Drives Her Daily Ambition To Help Others?

Malin knows something about you that you don’t. No matter the circumstance, there’s always someone who has your back. That person is loyal, emotionally caring, and knows you like the back of their hand. The answer: You. 

You will emerge from any given situation. All you need is to believe in your potential. Malin’s vision? To craft a horizontal platform that helps men and women improve their mental and physical wellbeing. You can and WILL create the life you desire. You will be amazed by life’s potential once you overcome your hurdles. 

Your relationships may have been reduced to dust. Your professional life might be hanging in the balance. Your sense of purpose and self-worth may have dwindled, but Malin is here to help you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back on the right path.

Most of our experiences are the same – but our responses aren’t. Malin will show you how to react to life’s curveballs. Using her strategies, you will be prepared for any challenge. Are you ready to build your psychological power? Get in contact with Malin by completing the form below. She will call you soon to chat more about how to take your life to the next level – before it’s too late.

“My purpose in life is to help everyone who crosses my path to succeed in their own lives.” MW


“In moments when things were all very stressful and chaotic, Malin’s professional support made everything more strategic and guided. A great investment, both in the self, and everything around it!”

Dr Aryee

“Malin has helped me to enhance my wellbeing in a number of ways. My company has become more successful and I have experienced a stable disposition health wise!”

Mrs Allen, Business Owner


“With her knowledge and eye-opening approach, Malin has helped me to find a way to turn around and face my fears with a smile. I can truly say that without her I wouldn’t be the person I am today.”

Emma, Teacher

“I can strongly recommend Malin from the bottom of my heart as an amazing coach and an inspiration. Since coaching, my income and my personal life have both improved.”

Patrone, Business owner