Mental Wellbeing: 10 Easy Ways to Build Mental Fitness

We've been exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally for too long, and now is the time to slowly wake up mind, body, and spirit. It is time to take back what we can of our mental dignity. Changing our mental fitness approach is not overwhelming; we can use simple strategies to build routines that allow wellbeing to become part of our everyday lives.

  1. Experiment. Try something new every day. A new way home, a new snack, learn a new word. Trying new things broadens our worldview, sense of wonder and helps support a growth mindset. When we can be curious about our world, we can be less afraid.

  2. Create. Make something. Even if you don't fancy yourself an artist, make something enjoyable. Often, we think that creativity is intimidating, but creating benefits us no matter the outcome.

  3. Play. Games, puzzles, strategy, all of these things boost our mental fitness. Our minds need something to solve other than the mundane, or they grow tired and anhedonic.

  4. Walk. We typically think of walking as something we do for physical fitness. Yet, walking is a habit that many innovative people do regularly to encourage mental wellness.

  5. Touch. Use all of your senses, but especially touch. As in, hug your loved ones when you can. Interaction with our loved ones can produce feel-good chemicals and reduce cortisol which causes stress and anxiety.

  6. Connect. Talk to new people. Have new conversations with people you already know. Be open to new opportunities to connect with others. Approach each connection to learn something.

  7. Meditate. Sit and breathe and intentionally be present. Acknowledge your thoughts and let them go. Focus on your breath. Give yourself time to tune in to your body and your experience of the world.

  8. Sleep. Find your optimum time for sleep, waking, and productivity. Sleep as much as you need to feel rested and allow your brain the time that it needs to regenerate and recharge.

  9. Talk. The chances are that your internal monologue is pretty negative. Please pay attention to that inner voice and make it positive. Talk to yourself like you would a friend. Be kind.

  10. Read. Stop scrolling and do some reading. A book, an e-reader, an audiobook, all of these types of reading stimulate our imagination and grow our mental fitness.

Trying just one thing on this list a week and working to make it a habit can have long-lasting impacts on our mental wellbeing and fitness. Choose one idea on the list and make it part of your week. Next week bring in another idea. Before long, you will have a daily routine packed with support for your mind, body, and spirit. 


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